Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Being in debt is already stressful and the phone calls of debt collectors only makes it worse. Telling the creditor you to stop calling is unlikely to make them stop, but the attorneys Debt Attorneys will do that for you. Under the FDCPA, once a third-party collector knows you are represented by an attorney, their contact with you must cease. An attorney who understands FDCPA law can take on all communications with your creditors so you no longer have to worry about answering your phone. The FDCPA provides possible civil remedies for consumers who have had their rights violated under the act. FDCPA attorneys are well versed in the law and can recognize unfounded threats, punishments, or representations that are violation of the Act. If a violation of your rights has occurred we can help you pursue legal recourse for the violation or provide the violations to you or a 3rd party if you are negotiating your debt. Give us a call today at +12138737370 to learn more and we'll be glad to assist you.